Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Spotlight on WetCanvas

As a guide for the pastel forum on the website, I occasionally host a monthly activity thread, and when I am not hosting, I have been taking part, too.  Each month we put the Spotlight on either a compositional or technical challenge, and focus on a particular subject.  It is fun to see how others interpret the same reference photos.  It's a great way to experiment and learn from others in a low pressure atmosphere.

Here are some of my pastels from the first few months of The Spotlight.

This one is done with a wet underpainting - watercolor in this case.  Approx. 11" x 15" on Pastelmat paper.  From a photo by Paula Ford.

The Spotlight was on flowers when I did this pastel from my own photo.  Also on Pastelmat, 15" x 11".

This month the Spotlight is on water.  Here are two paintings that I have done this week.  The first from a photo from the WetCanvas reference library, on Pastelmat, 11" x 15".

And this painting from another beautiful photo by Paula Ford.  On Uart 500 grit, approx. 17" x 11".

Sometimes it is a good idea to approach each painting as an experiment.  This way, there is no pressure to produce a masterpiece!  And by narrowing your focus, it seems easier to stay on track and keep your painting from getting too complex.

1 comment:

Paula Ann Ford said...

Beautiful work Don!!